Self-Service, Self-Issue

There are great advantages in offering your users self-issue facilities, not least because it reduces queues at the issue desk and reduces the requirement for staff to process issues, returns and renewals. For those libraries offering self-issue facilities, Heritage has an optional module which connects to systems such as those offered by 3M, Plescon, 2CQR, Intellident and others.

The Heritage Self-service module utilises the SIP2 (Standard Interchange Protocol) convention which is now standard across most hardware in this sector. This protocol allows hardware for self-issue and security systems to talk to library management systems such as Heritage. Any device that uses SIP2 over TCP/IP should be able to talk to the Heritage Self-service module.

Self-service workstations are treated by Heritage as administration users and so each workstation will require an administration user licence in Heritage.

Add the following document to your basket if you would like more information on Heritage Self-Service.

Heritage Self Service - an Introduction


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