For those requiring MARC 21 cataloguing and exchange facilities, Heritage has an optional module dedicated to this requirement.

The standard Heritage cataloguing record structure is far more comprehensive and flexible than the MARC format, but some institutions are required to maintain records in MARC and this can be particularly useful when sharing records between different, disparate systems. The Heritage MARC 21 Cataloguing module enables US MARC 21 records to be imported, created, edited and exported from within Heritage. Each MARC record has a unique standard number and the MARC record is displayed in readable format in the MARC Editor. Each MARC record has a connected Heritage catalogue record with the same standard number, which means that users can also take advantages of the elements of Heritage cataloguing not present in MARC, such as adding administration dates and linking to associated documents. This said, the module is not intended as comprehensive MARC cataloguing system as records will usually be derived from other systems. It also provides the facility to export standard Heritage catalogue records in MARC 21 format.

It is possible to purchase the MARC import or export elements of the module separately, if they are all that you require.



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