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This month's charity is Support for the Sick New-born and their Parents.
On the first Monday of each month IS staff can come to the Chapel in their casual clothes in return for a donation of £2 to the charity being supported. Staff can nominate any good cause they feel deserves a bit of extra help. SSNAP is a charity at the John Radcliffe Hospital and was nominated by Lee Orchard in our Support Services team.
This is Lee's experience:
"The reason for my suggestion is because this charity has been invaluable to my sister and my recently new born niece Alivia. Unfortunately Alivia was born with a multitude of problems, she has been in the NICU at the John Radcliffe since December the 10th. Some of you may have noticed that before Christmas I had to dart out of the office because Alivia had had a very, very bad night and was almost lost to us. So the family were summoned up to the hospital. Luckily Alivia has been holding on, fighting and has been getting stronger but she is still very ill and seems to be suffering from everything under the sun. She has improved enough so that I managed to have cuddles with her on Christmas Day. The work SSNAP do at the John Radcliffe hospital provides support to the NICU at the John Radcliffe hospital along with support to the new-born's and their parents and they have been so helpful toward my sister and Alivia and I wanted to thank them in a way that I could. The work they do alongside the wonderful nurses at the NICU is marvellous and I will always be grateful for the help and support they have provided to Alivia and my sister”. I want to also take this moment quickly to thank Paul G, Debbie, my work colleagues for taking up the workload whilst I disappeared and David for allowing me to take those few hours to go up to the hospital."
You can learn more about SSNAP here: